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Jumat, 05 Oktober 2012

This Silent Love

Silent Love
Once upon a time there was a sweet couple who love each other very much. They lived in small village on the hill. They were not marry yet. Because the girl’s family didn’t allow this girl marry with the boy. The boy was from poor family and can’t made the girl happy for their life.
One day, after the boy got new better job. The boy asked the girl to follow him to new town in overseas. But the girl was doubt. Then, she asked the boy : “ How deep is your love for me?”
The boy just silence, he can’t answer the girl’s question. He was not good in sweet words, but he tried to smile and confidently told something to the girl.
“Actually, I can’t say anything for you about this love. I can leave you alone here. Do you know because what? Because I’m scare you will leave me after I say this sentences. Do you want to marry me?” said the boy hopely.
The girl smiled and whispered to the boy’s ear. “I will marry you after you come back,” said the girl and she leave the boy alone.

Jumat, 01 Juni 2012


Yth. Bapak Julianta Manalu

Udah aku upload nih semua LKS nya, ga semua juga sih!! Cuma beberapa aja, abis capek banget uploadnya pak >O<
Tapi all is over. Give me high score yah :)) Hehehe..

Sincerly, Gusti Indah Lestari Kelas X5

Minggu, 18 Maret 2012

Cerpen ku "Cahaya Harapan Masa Depan"

Nama  : Gusti Indah Lestari
Kelas   : X5
SMA Negeri 1 Pangkalpinang
K.D. Menulis cerita pendek berdasarkan pengalaman pribadi dan orang lain

Cahaya Harapan Masa Depan

            Di kala senja di musim yang bahagia, angin berdesir lembut menggoda dedaunan. Kicauan burung menghentakkan pohon yang sedang terjaga. Bebatuan masih tak bergeming meski telah lekang oleh panas dan lapuk oleh hujan. Badai pun nampak berceloteh kepada lautan yag terus berlagak mengejar ombak di hamparan biru tepian pantai. Tak pernah seorang pun kan menyangka waktu begitu cepat berlalu, seperti cahaya putih yang tersenyum sekilas melewati langit yang berduka. Begitulah hari demi hari detik demi detik dia lewati dengan pahitnya kehidupan. Berjalan dalam kehampaan menyongsong masa depan yang belum bisa  diterka. Akankah baik atau akankah berakhir dengan buruk? Siapa yang tahu.
            Seorang gadis berambut panjang dengan tubuh lumayan berisi. Siapa sangka? Ia ibu berumur 40-an, padahal bila diperhatikan dengan saksama dia sudah begitu tua dan rapuh. Hidup di sebuah daerah terpencil yang masih sejuk dan asri. Derita dan keluh kesah habis terlumat oleh peluhnya. Dahulu ia adalah seorang wanita yang anggun dan mempesona. Wanita yang mengabdikan hidupnnya di dunia pendidikan. Sesampainya ia mengarungi biduk rumah tangga ia masih tetap menjadi insan pengajar.

Selasa, 06 Maret 2012

Narrative Text "Jasmine and Aladdin"

Class           : X5 (Green Shappire)
Members   :
1.    Ade Arinda as Jasmine Azzahra
2.    Gusti Indah Lestari as Genie
3.    Harits Aldi Yafi as Aladdin
4.   Novan as George and servant
5.    Rossa Nurnegsih as Mother’s Jasmine

“Jasmine and Aladdin, The Special Story”

Narrator   : Once upon a time, in Arabia Knight there was a ancient kingdom. In the kingdom, there lived a beautiful princess named Jasmine Azzahra. She was so pretty, kind and humble.
               One day, Jasmine was so bored in her castle and she went to    the market. But on the street, suddenly the highwayman came and try to kidnapped the Princess.

Sabtu, 18 Februari 2012

Ilmu Ekonomi : "Cara Menghitung PDRB "

Nama         : Gusti Indah Lestari
Kelas          : X5

Metode Penghitungan PDRB Atas Dasar Harga Berlaku
Pendapatan Regional Atas Dasar Harga Berlaku dapat dihitung melalui dua metode yaitu metode langsung dan metode tidak langsung.
  • Metode Langsung adalah metode penghitungan dengan menggunakan data yang bersumber dari daerah. Metode langsung akan dapat memperlihatkan karakteristik sosial ekonomi setiap daerah. Disamping itu manfaat pemakaian data daerah adalah dapat digunakan untuk menyempurnakan data statistik daerah yang lemah.
  • Metode Tidak Langsung adalah metode penghitungan dengan cara alokasi yaitu mengalokir PDB Nasional menjadi PDRB Provinsi dengan menggunakan beberapa indikator produksi dan atau indikator lainnya yang cocok sebagai alokator.

Puis "Bunda"

Dirinya Bunda Ku

Dirinya yang dulu bersahaja
Pernah ku rasa dan dapatkan
Peluk dan cium hangat darinya
Senyum dan tawa terukir di wajahnya

                                                                        Dialah tempatku bernaung
                                                                        Menerjang topan dan badai
                                                                        Beri ku warna-warni kasih
                                                                        Yang tulus dari lubuk sanubari

Aku kini besar dan kokoh
Karena jerih payah nya
Cucuran peluh dan sayu dimatanya
Tak pernah ku dengar dia mengeluh

                                                                        Kini dia telah renta dan keriput
                                                                        Lemah dan tak berdaya
                                                                        Di ombang-ambing masa tua
                                                                        Menungggu hari kedamaian

Kini engkau tlah tiada
Terbang dan melayang ke dunia-Nya
Ku sesali ku ratapi
Tak bisa menjaga merawat dan melindungi mu
Di hembusan nafas terakhir dalam waktu mu

Sabtu, 04 Februari 2012

Sinopsis Andong

Nama                           : Gusti Indah Lestari
Kelas                           : X5
Mata Pelajaran            : Bahasa Indonesia

KD 9.1            : Menyimpulkan isi informasi yang disampaikan melalui tuturan langsung


            Andong merupakan alat transportasi tradisional yang berasal dari Indonesia. Di setiap daerah di Indonesia nama andong itu sendiri berbeda-beda. Nama andong itu berasal dari Yogyakarta, namun di lain tempat seperti di Jawa Timur andong disebut Dukar, di daerah Jakarta andong disebut Sado, dan di beberapa tempat lainnya disebut Delman.
            Dalam sejarahnya, andong pertama kali digunakan untuk mengangkut raja-raja dan golongan bangsawan pada masa kepemimpinan Sultan Hamengkubuwono VII dan pada masa kepemimpinan Sultan Hamengkubuwono VIII mengalami peralihan fungsi. Kita dapat mengetahui bahwa fungsi andong tidak hanya mengangkut golongan bangsawan tetapi juga rakyat jelata, hal ini dapat diketahui secara lengkapnya di Museum Kereta.
Di Yogyakarta, andong mempunyai 2 tipe yaitu andong wisata dan nonwisata. Andong wisata digunakan untuk mengangkut para wisatawan yang ingin berkeliling kota Yogyakarta, ciri khas andong ini berukuran besar dan relatif lebih indah karena banyak aksessoris yang di tambahkan. Sedangkan andong nonwisata relatif lebih kecil dan biasa saja, digunakan untuk mengangkut penduduk. Tarif andong cukup terjangkau sekitar Rp. 15000 s/d Rp. 20000 untuk jarak tempuh yang dekat dan Rp. 50000 s/d Rp.60000 untuk jarak tempuh jauh. Terdapat jalur khusus untuk andong di Yogyakarta.
Andong memanfaatkan tenaga kuda untuk menarik keretanya. Jumlah kuda yang lazimnya dipakai adalah satu atau dua. Kereta pada andong dibuat dari kayu tetapi pada rodanya ada juga yang terbuat dari ban karet. Kapasitas penumpang andong biasanya lima sampai enam orang termasuk kusir. Kusir adalah orang yang mengendalikan laju andong. Keistimewaan saat naik andong kita dapat menikmati suasana yang indah dan melihat pemandangan disekitarnya. Selain di Yogyakarta, andong juga tidak asing lagi di daerah lainnya namun sekarang populasi andong sudah berkurang. Andong juga terdapat di negara lain namun biasanya disebut kereta kencana. Kereta kencana ini biasanya sangat terawat dan indah karena digunakan dalam acara-acara penting. Seperti di Inggris, kereta kencana adalah kendaraan yang dipakai Pangeran Inggris untuk berkeliling kota seusai acara pernikahan di gereja.

Sinopsis Novel "Layar Terkembang"

Nama   : Gusti Indah Lestari
Kelas   : X5
SMA Negeri 1 Pangkalpinang

“Sinopsis Sebuah Novel”
Layar Terkembang
Karya : Sutan Takdir A.

            Kisah ini terjadi di Jakarta. Tuti dan Maria adalah kakak beradik, anak Raden Wiraatmaja pensiun Wedana di daerah Banten. Tuti anak tertua menjadi seorang guru dan aktif dalam kepengurusan organisasi wanita yang bernama Putri Sedar yang bercita-cita mengangkat martabat kaum wanita setaraf dengan kaum pria. Sedangkan Maria, adik Tuti seorang remaja yang lincah, periang, dan sedikit manja. Ia juga bercita-cita menjadi seorang guru, namun tidak aktif dalam kegiatan organisasi.
            Tuti dan Maria mengenal Yusuf  pertama kali di Gedung Akuarium, Pasar Ikan. Yusuf ialah anak Demag Munaf di Martapura, Sumatera Selatan. Ia kini belajar di Sekolah Tabib Tinggi tahun terakhir. Sejak berkenalan dengan Maria, ia menaruh rasa simpatik kepada gadis semampai yang ceria itu. Perkenalan ini semakin lama semakin akrab dengan berkunjungnya Yusuf ke rumah Maria. Dengan Tuti, Yusuf menaruh simpatik dan hormat karena mereka sama-sama aktif dalam organisasi. Tuti bergabung dalam perkumpulan Putri Sedar, sedangkan Yusuf bergabung dalam pergerakkan Pemuda Baru.
            Paman Partidiharja sangat cemas kepada keputusan Saleh yang mengundurkan diri dari pekerjaannya di Kantor Yustisi. Ia tidak mengerti kemauannya, mengapa Saleh malah ingin menjadi petani dan tinggal di dusun Sindanglaya.
            Tuti, Maria dan Yusuf kini terlibat dalam pembicaraan tentang sikap sebagian orang terpelajar terhadap kaum pemeluk agama yang umumnya telah lanjut usia. Kebanyakan dari mereka memandang rendah kaum agama itu. Lagipula kebanyakan kita beranggapan bahwa ketekunan beribadah itu dilakukan setelah tua, setelah tiada lagi yang patut dikerjakan.
            Perkumpulan Sedar mengadakan rapat besar. Pada penutupan rapat itu Tuti berpidato dengan judul “Sikap Perempuan Baru”. Dalam pidato itu Tuti mengemukakan gagasan baru tentang bagaimana semestinya kedudukan wanita itu dalam masyarakat modern. Pidato ini mendapatkan perhatian yang besar karena telah mengetuk hati perempuan yang hadir saat itu.
            Tuti menegaskan bahwa tujuan utama putri  sedar ini ialah mengangkat harkat dan martabat kaum wanita, serta  membangun peran serta wanita sebanding dengan kaum laki-laki. Kaum wanita harus memperoleh hak yang sama dalam kehidupan, untuk itu wanita harus mau menghilangkan sifat-sifat minta dikasihi, lemah hati justru dapat merendahkan derajatnya di mata laki-laki. Kaumnya harus mampu bersama-sama dengan kaum lelaki untuk menyelenggarakan kepimpinan Negara, perusahaan, pendidikan, dalam kesenian dan lain-lain.
            Yusuf memperpendek waktu berliburnya di Martapura. Ia semakin merasa rindu terhadap Maria yang kini berada di Bandung. Yusuf pun segera ke Bandung menemui Maria. Mereka pun pergi bertamasya ke Bukit Dago dan disanalah mencurahkan rasa rindu dan kasih sayangnya. Mereka menikmati kebersamaan dengan hati yang penuh semangat.
            Maria telah menamatkan Sekolah HBS dan segera mengajar di HIS Muhammadiyah Keramat. Sementara itu perkumpulan Pemuda Baru mengadakan kongres di Jakarta. Pada malam harinya dipertunjukkan sandiwara yang berjudul Sandyakala Ning Majapahit karya Sanusi Pane. Pertunjukkan itu menampilkan Yusuf yang berperan sebagai Damar Wulan sedangkan Maria berperan sebagai Anjarasmara.
            Disamping gelora semangatnya yang menyala-nyala, Tuti kini sering melamun memikirkan dirinya yang sudah dewasa untuk membina rumah tangga jika mau. Perubahan sikap Tuti ini diketahui pula oleh Maria dan ayahnya. Kegelisahan hati Tuti memuncak ketika menerima surat cinta dari Supomo. Isi suratnya menyadarkan Tuti kembali bahwa kini usianya  sudah dua puluh tujuh tahun, usia yang tidak lagi muda dan sudah cukup dewasa untuk menikah.  Supomo bermaksud melamar Tuti, namun lamaran Supomo itu ditolaknya dengan halus agar Supomo tidak tersinggung.
            Sementara itu Maria sedang sakit di Rumah Sakit Pacet. Maria menderita TBC atau sakit paru-paru yang semakin lama semakin parah dan menyiksa dirinya. Sering juga Yusuf dan Tuti menjenguk Maria disana. Untuk menjenguk Maria di kota pegunungan itu Tuti sendiri sering pula bersama-sama bermalam di rumah Ratna, teman seperjuangannya dalam organisasi Putri Sedar dulu yang kini telah berkeluarga. Kehidupan mereka sangat bahagia meski hanya bercocok tanam. Sambil mereka menjadi suami istri yang berbahagia, mereka membimbing rakyatnya ke arah kesempurnaan pendidikan. Ketika itulah Tuti mengerti bahwa kehidupan yang mulia dan bahagia tidak perlu diarahkan semata-mata hanya dengan aktif dalam organisasi resmi. Akan tetapi ada juga orang desa itu yang mengabdikan diri kepada bangsa dan negara melalui pekerjaan nonformal tersebut.
            Karena sakit paru-parunya Maria semakin parah, telah hampir-hampir menemukan ajalnya, dia mengungkangkapkan sesuatu kepada Yusuf dan Tuti. Sebelum ia meninggalkan alam fana ini ia sempat bernasehat kepada mereka bahwa ia tidak akan rela jikalau mereka berdua sepeninggalannya akan bercerai satu sama lain.
            Dengan perkataan yang penghabisan itulah membuat hati Yusuf dan Tuti menjadi tersentak seakan-akan jantung mereka akan berhenti berdetak. Benarlah di kemudian hari, Yusuf dan Tuti bermaksud hidup bersama dalam suatu ikatan perkawinan. Mereka menyempatkan diri ke makam Maria di Pacet sebelum acara pernikahannya dilangsungkan. Demikianlah cerita ini berakhir.

Choi Siwon's BIografi

Biography for Si Won Choi

Date of Birth 10 February 1987, Korea
Height 6' (1.83 m)
Mini Biography
Music career
Choi Siwon was raised in a strict, Protestant family from Seoul, South Korea. After Choi's talents were scouted in the Starlight Casting System in 2003, his parents initially disapproved him to pursue in an entertainment career. After consideration, his parents approved Choi to sign under the talent agency SM Entertainment, where he was trained in areas of singing, acting, and dancing. He made his first appearance in a music video of The Grace's Dana when she was still a solo singer in 2003. A year after, Siwon made a brief appearance in the short drama, Precious Family. In early 2005 Choi's talent agency released an announcement that Choi would officially
debut as a member of the large all-boy music group, Super Junior, which was slated to make an official debut near the end of the year. A few months before debut, Choi made his first media appearance with Han Geng as a runway model, in a Fashion Show F/W general idea by Bum Suk.
On November 6, 2005, Choi officially
debuted on SBS's Popular Songs with the reason of Super Junior, performing the group's first single "TWINS (Knock Out)."
Choi is one of the few members of Super Junior who actively appears on variety shows. Choi makes frequent appearances on Love Letter and other popular South Korean variety programs. Choi is also a popular symbol for endorsements, being an endorser of many items in South Korea. In early March 2007 he has been picked up as the presenter of Thailand's 12 Plus Powder and went to Thailand several times a year to shoot the commercial.
Acting career
Although initially trained to be a singer, Choi has made many appearances in dramas. He made his first official drama appearance on KBS's 18 vs. 29 in 2005, playing the role of young Kang Bo-nam. He later joined the cast for the Korean drama mini-series Spring Waltz in 2006. Siwon's first lead role was in the mini-drama, Legend of Hyang Dang (í-¥ë‹¨ì „), released on September 2007.
Choi was chosen to be part of the epic film A Battle of Wits acting alongside Hong Kong actor and singer Andy Lau. A Battle of Wits is a big budget film with joint collaboration from South Korea, China, and Japan, and was released in China and Hong Kong on November 23, 2006. The film was released in Korea in early 2007. Choi has promoted the movie in China with a short tour of four cities at the end of November.[1] Choi also received praises from co-star Lau, stating that Choi is a wonderful actor and is a good example that can be set for young Hong Kong idols.
Starting 2008 Choi will be starring in another Korean language film, "Sun Jung Man Hwa", with Yoo Ji-tae, Lee Yeon Hee, and Chae Jung An. Choi will depict as a high school student who falls in love with Chae Jung An, a woman much older than he.
Personal life
Choi continued his education after his
debut with Super Junior. He attended Hyun Dae High School as a teenager and later went on to attend Inha University. A year before his debut with Super Junior he traveled to Beijing, China to learn about the country's language and history and stayed there for six months. Choi is also a drummer, having performed with his senior label mates, The TRAX in September 2006 on SBS's music show Popular Songs, due to the fact that their drummer, Rose had left the band. Choi is nicknamed Simba by his band mate Kim Heechul. Members joke that he has the same smile as the Joker from Batman and has the appearance of a horse.

Choi Siwon

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This is a Korean name; the family name is Choi.
Choi Siwon
Background information
Birth name
Choi Si-won
10 February 1987 (age 24)
Seoul, South Korea
Vocals, drums
Years active
Associated acts

Choi Si-won (born February 10, 1987), often known simply as Siwon, is a South Korean singer and actor. He is best known as a member of the K-pop boy band Super Junior and its subgroup Super Junior-M. He is also one of the first four Korean artists to be on Chinese postage stamps.


Early beginnings

Choi was scouted by a talent agent from SM Entertainment when he was 16 as he was waiting for friends in front of his high school. The agent recommended him to audition for the company's Starlight Casting System to become an entertainer. Choi knew his parents would object, so he had to secretly audition. Choi's parents were later notified that he had passed the auditions. Although his parents allowed him to sign a contract with SM Entertainment, they did not give him any help because they wanted him to take responsibility in his actions.

He later moved into dormitories with fellow trainees and was trained in areas of singing, acting, and dancing. SM Entertainment saw potential for him in acting, and thus gave him training in the field. He made his first appearance in a music video of The Grace's Dana when he was still a solo singer in 2003. A year after, Choi made a brief appearance in the short drama, Precious Family. In 2005, Choi made a brief appearance in the KBS drama Eighteen, Twenty-Nine as the young Kang Bong-man.

Music career

Not long after Choi's first television appearance, SM Entertainment released an announcement that he would officially debut as one of the twelve members in a boy band. This band later became officially known as Super Junior 05, the first generation of the rotational music group Super Junior. A few months before the debut of Super Junior 05, Choi made his first official media appearance with band mate Han Geng as one of the runway models in a fashion show by Bum Suk.
Super Junior 05 officially debuted on November 6, 2005 on SBS's music program Popular Songs, performing their first single, "TWINS (Knock Out)". Their debut performance attracted over 500 fans and also garnered oversea viewers from both China and Japan. A full studio album was released a month later, which debuted at #3 on the monthly MIAK K-pop album charts.
In March 2006, SM Entertainment began to recruit new members for the next Super Junior generation. However, plans changed when the company added in a thirteenth member and the company declared a halt in forming future Super Junior generations. The group dropped the suffix "05" and became officially credited as Super Junior. The re-polished group hit big after they released their first CD single "U" the following summer, which became Super Junior's most successful single in the music charts until the release of "Sorry, Sorry" in March 2009.
In late 2007, Choi was put into Super Junior-M, the Chinese subgroup version of Super Junior. Super Junior-M is the first international music group in the Chinese music industry to have members of both Chinese and Korean descent, and brought an influence in the mainland music industry to produce multi-national music groups. The subgroup specializes in singing Mandarin songs, including versions of Super Junior's Korean songs, bringing the K-pop influence over to the Chinese music industry. Super Junior-M is the first international music group in the Chinese music industry to have members of both Chinese and Korean descent. Not long after Super Junior-M's debut, they became one of the most celebrated boy-bands in China. The band's popularity skyrocketed further after their highly anticipated Mini-album, "Super Girl" was released on September 2009.Super Junior-M debuted in China on April 8, 2008 at the 8th Annual Music Chart Awards with the release of their first single music video, "U". The subgroup released their first Chinese-language studio album, Me, on May 2, 2008 to critical success. The album debuted on Taiwan's G-music combo charts as #2 and #1 on many of China's and Thailand's music charts. Choi also appeared in Girl's Generation music video "Hoot".

Acting career

After Choi's appearances in Eighteen, Twenty-Nine and Precious Family, he was casted in a larger role for the mini-series Spring Waltz, playing the supporting role Park Sang-woo, the teenage cousin of a diligent and working young woman. Not long after Choi's musical debut, he was casted in a large supporting role in the Hong Kong epic film A Battle of Wits as Prince Liang Shi, starring opposite Andy Lau. The cast promoted the movie throughout China with a short tour of four cities in November 2006. While the film received mixed reviews, Choi garnered positive notices for his performance. He also received praises from co-star Lau, stating that Choi is a wonderful actor and that he sets a good example for young Hong Kong idols.
Half a year after the release of A Battle of Wits, Choi starred in the high school mystery/comedy film Attack on the Pin-Up Boys with other Super Junior members. He played one of the lead roles as a controlling and severe class president who was one of the popular possible subjects of being attacked by mysterious forces. Despite positive critical ratings, that film did not do well in the box-office, but all four versions of the film's DVD were all sold out and broke chart records. A few months later, Choi was cast in mini-drama Legend of Hyang Dan as the lead role, Lee Mong-ryong.
In January 2010, Choi starred in the SBS drama Oh My Lady!. It is a romantic comedy about a top star who finds himself living with his manager, a 35 year old woman who is trying to earn money to have custody of her child. This was Choi's first lead role in two years. He also starred as Agent Kim Jun-Ho, a data analyst and rookie elite agent in the drama Athena, a spin-off of drama Iris. Both roles portrayed by him earned highly positive praises from critics, senior actors, and fans alike. There is speculation in whether the series will be reintroduced in a second season, with Choi playing a much larger role.
His acting career also extends into various music videos for fellow label mates, such as SNSD's Hoot, and Zhang Liyin and TVXQ's Xiah's duet Timeless (Zhang Liyin song), where Choi starred along with fellow Super Junior member Han Geng, which received critical praise. Choi also made appearances in several commercial films, as well as guest appearing or hosting TV shows.
Choi is scheduled in April 2011 to film Taiwanese drama Extravagant Challenge (Chinese: 華麗的挑戰) with Ivy Chen and fellow band member Donghae as the three main characters. It is a live-action adaptation of Japanese shōjo manga Skip Beat! by Yoshiki Nakamura to be shot in Taiwan.
On August 1, Choi has been confirmed to be the male lead character in a new KBS drama Poseidon alongside Lee Siyoung and Lee Sungjae. In the drama, he is a part of the #9 Investigation Team, a maritime police unit. Much media attention was placed on Poseidon as it was South Korea's first drama regarding the maritime police. Choi received praises from his fellow cast members as well as the production team for his commendable acting and friendly conduct on set. Poseidon was broadcasted on 19 October 2011 to 8 November 2011. Due to busy filming schedules that collide with Super Junior's activites, it was decided that Choi will cease the latter during the duration of filming.

As a Model

Choi is best known for his "handsome appearance" and muscular physique. His looks have earned him spots on various idol "best" lists, such as being put at eleventh place in the show Idol Chart's "Most Flawless Body" list. His body if often referred to as the best by his fellow Super Junior members and many fans, and he is sometimes called "sculpture man" because his body appears "perfectly chiseled out." His fans also comically refer to his abdominal muscles frequently as "chocolate abs." He is also the tallest among Super Junior members along with Zhou Mi from Super Junior-M, standing approximately 183 centimeters tall.
Super Junior's leader Leeteuk jokingly mentioned in an episode of SBS's show Strong Heart (Korean TV show) that Choi is purposely placed in the middle in most Super Junior photos because "putting him in the middle gives the illusion that all members of the group are really handsome." It was also mentioned that he usually sings the first verse to their songs so that the audience would see an "appealing visual." Apart from acting and Super Junior, Choi has also appeared in various catalogs and commercials. He modeled along with Sulli of girl group f(x) in the March 3rd 2010 André Kim fashion show, receiving much praise and media attention. He has also been featured in notable magazines such as Cosmopolitan, Elle, High Cut, and Men's Health, as well as modeling for large brand names such as Armani, Lacoste, Gucci,Evisu,Burberry and several others. Choi also makes several prominent appearances in Korean brand Spao's catalogues along with SNSD and other Super Junior members. He also recently endorsed and modeled for the SK Telesys "Reaction" smart phone, also appearing in the phone's comical mock-action commercial, as well as Acer products. In September 2011 Choi became the first male model to endorse skincare brand Mamonde.

Personal life

Choi has one younger sister. His father is currently the CEO of a pharmaceutical company. His family's background has led him to be featured at the third spot in Idol Chart's Royalty in the Korean Idol World list. Before his debut with Super Junior, Choi stayed in Beijing, China as an exchange student for three months in 2004. He graduated from Gu Jeong High School in February 2006 and later went on to attend Inha University. Choi is extremely close to his "sworn brother" Han Geng, whom has supported him during his stay in China.
Choi is a devout Protestant Christian, and has said in an interview that after his career, he would like to become a missionary. He is also a drummer and has filled in several times as a dummer for the pop rock band TRAX after the group's drummer, Rose, left the band. He is skilled in Taekwondo and was once the youngest in South Korea to hold the fourth rank in the black belt. He is also the first Korean celebrity to reach over one million followers on Twitter.